Part 3 – Changed methodology

This video highlights the prevalence of agile practices in today’s software development landscape, where Scrum, Kanban, XP, and Lean have become the norm. It contrasts the past sequential approaches, such as the V model and waterfall methodology, with the need for an update in testing practices reflected in the ISTQB syllabus.

The introduction of the “shift-left approach” emphasizes early testing in the Software Development Life Cycle, promoting collaboration between test and development teams to detect defects at an early stage. This approach involves writing requirements together, creating user stories, and defining acceptance criteria collaboratively to prevent defects.

The video presents three key practices for achieving a shift-left in testing: reviewing specifications from a testing perspective, writing test cases before code implementation, and performing non-functional testing at the component level whenever possible.

By adopting the shift-left approach and incorporating collaboration and early testing, organizations can enhance software quality while reducing costs and effort. However, the SAP perspective challenges the shift-left approach, emphasizing the importance of validating requirements in ERP packages like SAP and the need for more software-specific implementation and test models.

The video also introduces SAP Activate, a recommended project methodology for SAP implementations and upgrades. SAP Activate combines elements of traditional waterfall approaches with agile principles, featuring distinct phases, deliverables, activities, and milestones for a structured and controlled implementation process.

In conclusion, the video highlights the need to address the specific requirements and challenges of ERP testing, emphasizing the significance of the largest software systems, such as SAP, in the test syllabus foundation.

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